About Us
We care passionately about seeing the gospel preached, planting churches and helping Christians walk in maturity in Jesus Christ. We understand clearly that we express our love for Jesus through obedience to what He says.
When we see the results from following Jesus passionately, it is then that we can begin to interact with the heavenly realm, where the Father and Jesus are.
We expect to see people miraculous healed and delivered from the things that bind and hinder them. This applies to the those who are not yet Christians and those who already are.
We see that the Lord is doing a work in the church right now where there is a move back to the apostolic model, with apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers working together to build up and equip the body of Christ. This is the model the church was in its early days. The result is that everyone in the church, can [ray for the sick and minister to people.
It’s all about Jesus. We are just here to serve Him! …and we have the joy of the Lord as a result!
Glenn Duker
Lorilea Duker
Dickson Banda
Malawi / Mozambique